Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The Boys

So we have another beautiful day today. Ryan had a half a day today at school. I love those days. I think Brett likes even more, cause he knows he will only have me for awhile and then he gets to play with Ryan. I guess I am not as fun. They love to ride their bikes. About 6 weeks ago Brett learned how to ride his bike with no training wheels. He was trying little jumps and standing to pedaling to get going faster within a few hours of learning. I think he likes to scare me! They can spend hours out there riding. I love the neighborhood we live in because there is such little traffic. I can usually count on one hand how many times I see a car. And a few other kids that are always out. It is perfect. Now if Ryan could just match a bit better. He likes to pick out his own play clothes and sometimes it scares me a bit. But to him he is wearing all blue so it matches. hmmm.
Last night I had Activity Days for church. We had a Daddy/Daughter night. They brought pumpkins and got to carve it out. They turned out so cute. Such creative and fun girls. I made these little Mummy miniature candy bar wrap. It was so fun and easy.
Tomorrow and Friday Ryan doesn't have school. It is Parent/Teacher conference. So we are in for another 4 day weekend. We just had one 2 weeks ago. The plus is I get to sleep in. Ryan loves to fix cereal for him and Brett so they don't bother me at all. Of course now if they could just be a bit more quiet! Oh well, I can't it all.

1 comment:

Christa&James said...

The boys look dang cute in these pictures! We sure do miss you guys! The candy bars are super cute!